Tune features in folk tune finder
Folk tune finder has 190997 tunes, made up of 190997 transcriptions. Some popular tunes have a lot of transcriptions (some the same, some slightly different) and it only makes sense to count each of those once.
Some of this information is generated from the tunes and some is provided by transcribers. Becuase of this, not every kind of inforation is available for every tune.

Folk tune finder is a search engine for folk tunes in ABC notation.
It is run by Joe Wass. You can contact joe@folktunefinder.com with any questions or comments. I love hearing from people who use the site and feedback is always welcome.
All tunes on this site were found somewhere on the web and transcribed by someone, somewhere.
It is run by Joe Wass. You can contact joe@folktunefinder.com with any questions or comments. I love hearing from people who use the site and feedback is always welcome.
All tunes on this site were found somewhere on the web and transcribed by someone, somewhere.