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Time signature

Has accompaniment chords

Show only top 15 features

  • Ton diwezhan B

    Also known as Ton diwezhan A (noire=156), Tamm kreiz, Ton kentan C, Ton kentan B, Ton kentan A (noire=152), Gavotte : Suite Termen.

    Ton diwezhan B
  • Marachine D

    Also known as Lac de Grand-Lieu, Marachine C, Marachine B, Marachine A, Marachines : Suite ABCD.

    Marachine D
  • in G:

    Also known as in D:, Bb instruments:, in F:, in C:, PWPW)((PWPW, Schneider.

    in G:
  • TEST: Sixth Title of 6

    Also known as TEST: Fifth Title of 6, TEST: Fourth Title of 6, TEST: Third Title of 6, TEST: Second Title of 6, TEST: First Title of 6.

    TEST: Sixth Title of 6
  • Variante couplet Clarinette

    Also known as Refrain Clarinette, Couplet Clarinette, Refrain accordon, Couplet accordon, Polka : L'harmonica.

    Variante couplet Clarinette
  • Pastourelle des Vieux

    Also known as Avant deux, Galop, En avant deux, Coup de bichement, Pastoutelle des Jeunes, Chaine anglaise, Quadrille de Saulieu.

    Pastourelle des Vieux
  • Bal quatre (2)

    Also known as Bal quatre (1), Bal deux (1), Bal deux (2), Gavotte, Gavotte : Suite de l'Aven.

    Bal  quatre (2)
  • Bal quatre (2)

    Also known as Bal quatre (1), Bal deux (1), Bal deux (2), Gavotte, Gavotte : Suite de l'Aven.

    Bal  quatre (2)
  • Vierde figuur

    Also known as Derde figuur, Tweede figuur, Eerste figuur, Kadril van Mazenzele, Kadril van Mazel.

    Vierde figuur
  • in G:

    Also known as in D:, Bb instruments:, in F:, in C:, PWPW)((PWPW, Schneider.

    in G:
  • Ton doubl

    Also known as Ton simpl C, Bal, Ton simpl B, Ton simpl A, Plin : Suite Bravig ez eo bale.

    Ton doubl
  • Herv Irvoas TD3

    Also known as Herv Irvoas TD2, Ton doubl Ambroise, Jean Og, B (94-95), Plomeur B (S:Gildas Moal et Ren Chaplain)(Mars 99), Herv Irvoas TD4, A (94-95), Plomeur A (S:Gildas Moal et Ren Chaplain)(Mars 99), Plin, Tons doubles, Herv Irvoas TD1.

    Herv Irvoas TD3
  • C Aeolian/C Phrygian/C Locrian

    Also known as C Dorian/C Minor/Cm, C Lydian/C Ionian/C Mixolydian, C maj/ C major/C Major, C/CMAJOR/Cmajor, Keys and modes.

    C Aeolian/C Phrygian/C Locrian
  • Also known as Herv Irvoas TS4, Ar re yaouank, Duro - Le Lay (S:Stage Festival fisel aot 98)(Dcembre 98), L'ne Martin, Guillerm Thomas, Herv Irvoas TS3, Herv Irvoas TS2 (Kerleon), Hymne national du Plin, Kerleon, Ne chomeg war bale, Herv Irvoas TS1, Jean Og, Plomeur B (S:Gildas Moal et Ren Chaplain)(Mars 99), Plin, tons simples, Plomeur A (S:Gildas Moal et Ren Chaplain)(Mars 99).

  • Belle hlas

    Also known as La rouse, Oh gentil marinier, Dans notre bois, Baise-moi, Amour n'a point, Sur toutes demoiselles, Branles doubles sur des chansons du XVIe sicle.

    Belle hlas