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  • Morrison's

    Also known as Tom Carmondy's Favorite, Stick Across The Hob, The, Stick Across The Hob, Maurice Carmondy's Favourite, Maurice Carmondy's Favorite, Cry Of The Celtic.

  • Ton diwezhan B

    Also known as Ton diwezhan A (noire=156), Tamm kreiz, Ton kentan C, Ton kentan B, Ton kentan A (noire=152), Gavotte : Suite Termen.

    Ton diwezhan B
  • 5me figure : Finale

    Also known as 4me figure : Pastourelle, 3me figure : Poule, 2me figure : L't, 1re figure : Pantalon, Quadrille toulonnais : La noce Fricotto.

    5me figure : Finale
  • 2. L'Aubado

    Also known as 4. Li gavu, Se jougo la veio en fasnt lou tour de vilo per acampa de jouine per lou fue, 3. Lou Rampe, Se jougo uno ouro avans de parti la ceremounio, 7. Ei champ - Elevacioun de la messo - Salut au drapu e Sant Maime, Aire de la Bravado de Saint Maime Riez, 11. Defilado - Au retour de chasque ceremouni chascun rintro soun oustau, 6. Lou retour dou fue, 8. Aire du dejeuna sus l'erbo la capello du sant, 5. Aire dou fue - Belugo, 12. Marcho du fort - Lou fifre et lou tambour la jougon tout lou tms de la bravado, 10. Lou retour de Sant Maime, 1. La passado do sero, 9. Aprs la messo - Sus la plao, davans la capello, 13. La Joio.

    2. L'Aubado
  • the Trip to the Highlands

    Also known as Dusty Windowsills, Dusting the Windows, the Barracks, the Dusty windowsill, Mulvihills, Austin Barratts.

    the Trip to the Highlands
  • 5me figure : Finale

    Also known as 4me figure : Pastourelle, 3me figure : Poule, 2me figure : L't, 1re figure : Pantalon, Quadrille toulonnais : La noce Fricotto.

    5me figure : Finale
  • Promenade No 3

    Also known as ... pont, ... drobe, Promenade No 2, ... saluts, ... traverses, ... tourniquets, ... pont-drobe, Promenade No 6, Promenade No 4, Promenade No 1, Promenade No 5, Drobe de Guingamp.

    Promenade No 3
  • Lord Elcho

    Also known as The Collier's Rant, Here Awa There Awa Willie, Thro' the Lang Muir, The Highway to Edinburgh, My Tocher's The Jewel.

    Lord Elcho
  • Lord Elcho

    Also known as The Collier's Rant, Here Awa There Awa Willie, Thro' the Lang Muir, The Highway to Edinburgh, My Tocher's The Jewel.

    Lord Elcho
  • Trip to the Highlands, The

    Also known as Dusty Windowsills, Dusting the Windows, Barracks, The, Dusty windowsill, The, Mulvihills, Austin Barratts.

    Trip to the Highlands, The
  • Trip to the Highlands, The

    Also known as Dusty Windowsills, Dusting the Windows, Barracks, The, Dusty windowsill, The, Mulvihills.

    Trip to the Highlands, The
  • Thme (4 fois)

    Also known as Variation No 7, Introduction, Variation No 5, Variation No 1, Variation No 8, Variation No 6, Variation No 3, Variation No 4, Tarentelle : Yann Dour, Variation No 2.

    Thme (4 fois)
  • the Trip to the Highlands

    Also known as Dusty Windowsills, Dusting the Windows, the Barracks, the Dusty windowsill, Mulvihills, Austin Barratts.

    the Trip to the Highlands
  • Trip to the Highlands, The

    Also known as Dusty Windowsills, Dusting the Windows, Barracks, The, Dusty windowsill, The, Mulvihills, Austin Barratts.

    Trip to the Highlands, The
  • Pastourelle des Vieux

    Also known as Avant deux, Galop, En avant deux, Coup de bichement, Pastoutelle des Jeunes, Chaine anglaise, Quadrille de Saulieu.

    Pastourelle des Vieux